• 20 décembre 2021
  • Non classé

If you`re a crossword enthusiast, you`ve probably come across the clue « verbal act of agreement » at some point. This clue typically refers to a single word that expresses consent or affirmation, and it can be tricky to solve if you`re not familiar with the variety of options available.

One of the most commonly used solutions is « OK. » This two-letter word has become a ubiquitous part of our language, used to indicate agreement, approval, or acknowledgement. It`s derived from the 19th century slang term « oll korrect, » which was a humorous way to spell « all correct. » Over time, it became shortened to « OK, » and it`s now recognized as a standard English word.

Another possible answer is « aye. » This word is often used in formal situations, such as in parliamentary procedures, to indicate agreement or a yes vote. It`s also commonly used in nautical contexts, referring to a sailor`s affirmation or response to an order.

« Yea » is another option for the verbal act of agreement crossword clue. This word is similar to « aye » and is often used in the same contexts. It can also be used as an interjection to express enthusiasm, agreement, or encouragement.

Other potential solutions for this clue include « yes, » « right, » « certainly, » and « absolutely. » Each of these words expresses agreement or assent, though they may be more or less common depending on the crossword puzzle you`re solving.

As a professional, it`s important to note that the wording of this crossword clue can vary depending on the puzzle and the editor. However, by familiarizing yourself with the range of possible answers, you`ll be better equipped to solve this type of clue and ace your crossword puzzles.